Baby Girl Perfection | Baby Cora's Northern VA Newborn Session

I smiled driving down the unpaved road towards Kelly and Matt’s Purcellville, VA home. Besides a few neighbors of mine, it was the shortest commute I’ve ever had…and one of the most scenic. Pulling up the long driveway to their beautiful home tucked underneath the trees, I could make out a small pond in the backyard and spotted a sweet little deer in the yard. I knew then that this would be a magical newborn session.

And it was! The house was warm, cozy, and smelled heavenly from some pretty amazing candles. Just before baby Cora’s newborn session, I had just finished reading a book about the Danish tradition called hygge, which is basically the art of making your life cozy and full of comfortable companionship. I’m pretty sure that Kelly could have written that book and even taught the author a thing or two. I really wanted to curl up and take a nap, just like Cora, but oh my goodness, she was just too cute and there is no way I could put my camera down!

Adorable baby Cora was absolute perfection, barely making a peep during the whole session. She even gave us some sweet little newborn smiles… a hint of the gummy grins to come a few months from then. Kelly and Matt were so smitten with each other that I’m pretty sure I said “Awww” out loud a few times, or at least I wanted to. The only thing that could even come close to rivaling their love for each other was their joy and adoration of their precious little love nugget, Cora.

You’re a lucky little girl Cora! I wish you and your mommy and daddy all the love and luck in the world!