Lila Faith: Two Years Old!
Oh Lila, how we love you!
I'm a bit late writing this post for your birthday, but I'm squeaking it in just before your big sister's birthday and then, next week, the birth of your little brother. You are such a sweet little caregiver...always carrying around a baby doll and telling us if it cries or needs a new diaper. You can say your little brother's name and give my belly sweet kisses. We have no doubt that you will be an amazing big sister!
Watching you grow and change over the past few months has been so incredibly fun! You walk, run, jump ("I bounce!"), and love to play hide-and-seek. Your vocabulary is absolutely amazing and you continue to surprise us with new words every day. Up until this point, you have been a very laid back little girl but lately...."whoa buddy" (you say that all the time p.s.)!! You have been full of opinions and ideas and they don't always line up with Mommy and Daddy's. But you wouldn't be a true two-year-old without those kinds of moments.
Daddy and I made a list of things we want to remember about all the things we love so much about you right now. We hope you read it back one day and can see how very special and loved you are!
Lila Faith at Two:
- You love music and singing. Your favorite songs are "I Got This Feeling (Sunshine In my Pocket)" by Justin Timberlake (which you call "Pock"), "Let it Go" from Frozen, and "Fireball" by Pitbull.
- You recently started enjoying sitting down for a movie now and then and you love Tangled and Moana and Finding Dory (which you call "Nemo Dory")
- Your favorite toys are blocks, Barbies, baby dolls, the trampoline, and anything that you can use your amazing imagination with! You love to play pretend :)
- Some of our favorite things you say: "Watch this!", "Okay" (in alllll kinds of different voices), "hide & seek", and "Sorry!" These sound like pretty normal things to say, but you do them in a very funny and unique way. Ask us to try and show you how one day! We are so impressed that you can put together sentences that are pretty long. It's so fun knowing what is on your mind now that you can tell us all about it.
- You are SO smart and can count to 10, know all of your colors, and sign language for tons of different animals- you can say them all now, but just a few months ago you signed them!
- Your cheeks are still so round and yummy. We kiss them every day!
- Sucking your thumb and twirling your hair are still your favorite ways to chill.
- Your favorite color is PURPLE!
- Your latest obsession is sunglasses and you never leave home without them....often times we even find you wearing them indoors!
- You love to dress yourself! You also like to undress yourself too! Sometimes we find you doing really funny things with your clothing (like putting pants on your head!) that makes us laugh.
Lila, we love you SO much and are so very proud of you! Happy 2nd birthday sweetie pie!
Mommy and Daddy